Drag and Drop Image Processing

Gather and organize data with AI image recognition

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Why users download gVision

Powerful Deskfiler Plugins

Sort thousands of images automatically

Sorting thousands of images with a simple drag and drop. The gVision plugin utilizes the full power of Google's Vision AI and as a result of that everyone is now capable of wielding the vast potential of machine learning on their device.

The tool automatically writes the tags of the image into the EXIF information and into an extra JSON file for your additional scripting. It also recognizes online usage and automatically puts text of images into the details. Very handy for copyright checks and SEO professionals!

Check out the plugin

Scan the web for your images

Want to find similar images or copyright check them?

The gVision plugin enables you to filter the world wide web for your images, this can come in handy for copyright infringement checks. Simply drag and drop your images on the gVision plugin and let the Google vision AI handle the rest for you. After a small processing time you can look up similar search results in the image information within the plugin.

Save yourself some time and nerves and let gVision check the web for you, get the Deskfiler plugin below

Powerful Deskfiler Plugins

gVision features

Below is a short list of gVisions capabilities, you can either use one features at a time or harness the full power of the cloud at once. Read through the feature list, you will surely find something to soothe your specific needs.
Feature Feature definition
Recognize objects gVision is able to detect objects, how many and where they are located in an image.
Recognize text Detect handwritten or printed text and automatically indentify the language.
Recognize faces Detect faces, facial attributes and emotions.
Find similar images The gVision plugin is able to find similar images across the web, handy for copyright infringement checks.
Assign image tags gVision automatically assigns image tags to processed images.
Identify popular logos and places gVision automatically detects well-known logos and landmarks.

Utilize the full power of AI image recognition in three steps

Recognizes: objects, text, faces, logos and places on and image
and is even capable of searching the world wide web for similiar images


Simply drag & drop your images on the gVision plugin for Deskfiler


Specify your parameters, such as: tagging language, generating additional JSON files, etc


Select your output path, hit start and let the AI process your images for a few seconds

See gVision In Action

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